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Tips to Stay Productive While Working at a Milwaukie Cafe
June 16, 2021 at 9:30 PM
Image of a Milwuakie cafe.

After the past year of working at home, we’re all excited for a return to everyday life. Those who are still working remotely might look for Milwaukie cafes to hang out and get a few hours of work done–away from their overcrowded kitchen table. But going back into the world means immersing yourself in new distractions. You want to escape the monotony of working from home but don’t want to lose the productive habits you’ve developed in the past 18 months.

Here are some tips to help you stay productive while working at a Milwaukie cafe.

Go during the off-hours.

Coffee shops are busiest during the early morning when commuters are on their way to work and at lunchtime. Going during the off hours means fewer distractions. You’ll also be a more conscientious customer. When you’re planning on hanging out for a few hours but only ordering a few items, you don’t want to limit revenue for the cafe.

During the off-hours, tables won’t be in high demand, and you can enjoy the peace while staying productive.

Have specific tasks you’re going to accomplish.

Set small, manageable goals for your time working at a cafe. Don’t wait until you get to the shop to decide the tasks you’re going to work on, as it’s easy to allow yourself to get distracted.

Pack your work bag the night before.

There’s nothing quite like getting to a coffee shop, ordering a latte, and realizing that your laptop battery is at 10% and you forgot your charger. If you need analog notes, books, or a notebook and pencil, make sure you have all of those in your work bag before you get caught up in your hectic morning routine.

You might bring your own travel mug so you can take your coffee when you leave.

Check the Wi-Fi signal before ordering.

You don’t want to get settled with a pot of tea and pastry before realizing that the Milwaukie cafe’s internet is down for the day. You can always call ahead to make sure the Wi-Fi is working before you pick your spot for the day.

Get your work area set up and make sure the internet works before heading to the counter to order.

Set up your work area like at home.

Are there things you do in your workspace at home? Repeat them at the coffee shop to get in the productivity mindset. Maybe you need a notebook or day planner set beside you, or you like to twirl a pen while you’re thinking. Don’t adopt a novel set of work habits in a new environment.

That said, if the cafe has shared tables, be mindful of how much space you’re taking up and be considerate of others who are also trying to stay productive!

Put your phone away.

Unless you’re waiting on an important call from work, you’re better off just putting the phone in your bag and ignoring it. Consider using a lockdown browser to prevent you from straying off on an internet tangent.

Working in a Milwaukie cafe like Windhorse Coffee & Tea is one perk of living in the Portland area. It takes practice to be productive while in the world. Still, it’s worth it to enjoy gourmet espresso and artisanal pastries while you’re “at work.”

If you’re looking for a quiet place to work for the day, check out Windhorse Coffee & Tea, a Milwaukie cafe.

We offer premium coffee, tea, baked goods, and panini available for takeout and dining in our vibrant atmosphere. Windhorse Coffee & Tea has been open since 1998 in the Portland area offering small-town charm with big-city gourmet espresso drinks and pastries.

View our Milwaukie Cafe menu, or feel free to call us at 503-659-1000 to place a takeout order.